Aesthetic functional genital reconstruction (REGEFE)

More and more men are concerned about aesthetics in general, and it's no different with the genital organ. The Federal Council of Medicine advises against performing cosmetic surgery on the penis of those who have no noticeable alterations to the organ. However, many men acquire anatomical alterations of the genital organ, either in the penis or the scrotum, which can cause physical or psychological discomfort. Understand some of these alterations and the two types of surgery that can correct these problems.

Penile Enlargement Surgery

Phalloplasty has been sought by many men, even those with normal penis size and thickness, a phenomenon that has been called "small penis syndrome". When someone with a normal penis seeks to lengthen or thicken it, the doctor needs to be very careful and avoid performing surgery in these cases. Most of the time, small penis syndrome is associated with anxiety, as well as a misinterpretation of body image, something called body dysmorphism.

Some factors, apart from anxiety, can contribute to small penis syndrome. Especially nowadays, when free videos are available on cell phones, some men compare their own genitals with those of actors in pornographic films, who are selected from among those with penises well above average size. Another reason is ignorance. There are studies that show that men believe that the average size of an erect penis is 15 cm, when in fact it is 13.5 cm. In other words, men underestimate the size of their genitals. Another reason is that some believe that women attach too much importance to penis size in sexual intercourse, when in fact studies show that women attach more significance to the way sex is performed, to affection and caresses, than to the length of the phallus.

Three factors that lead men with normal penises to think their penises are small:

  1. Anxiety (small penis syndrome)
  2. Comparison with porn actors
  3. Thinking that the average penis size in the population is bigger than it really is
  4. Thinking that women attach too much importance to penis size

However, many men do have reasons for thinking that their penis is small. In some situations, the apparent size of the penis is smaller than its real size. In other words, the penis looks smaller than it really is. In this case, surgery may be indicated, as self-esteem and sexual health may be affected.

Fatores que fazem com que o tamanho do pênis pareça menor do que realmente é (tamanho aparente < tamanho real) e que podem ser corrigidos com cirurgia

  1. Peno-scrotal fold: A situation in which the scrotum is high, with a root in the middle of the penis, making a fold. In this case, the hair comes out of the middle of the penis, giving it the appearance of being smaller. This fold can be treated with surgery in a day hospital.

  • Embedded penis: In this case, a portion of the penis is embedded in the fat of the pubis and scrotum. Extreme cases make the penis almost invisible if it is not erect. Reconstructive surgery is possible with excellent results.

  • Penile amputation: whether due to trauma or surgery, as in cases of penile cancer, amputation of the penis is something that affects men greatly, compromising their self-esteem and psychological health.


The scrotum (testicular pouch) is a wrinkled organ and is where the testicles are contained. Some conditions cause the scrotum to increase in size, becoming misshapen and potentially causing discomfort. The most common are testicular fluid collections (hydrocele) and a hernia that insinuates itself into the testicular sac, but occasionally large varicoceles (scrotal varicose veins) and impaired lymphatic drainage (lymphedema) can also cause the same problems.

Other times, age also alters the anatomy of the scrotum, causing it to become flaccid, low and drooping. This can cause pain, irritation and fungus in the scrotum from contact with the thighs.

The use of botulinum toxin, which some call scrotox, has been tried for a very wrinkled scrotum, but apart from the fact that there is no information in the literature about its results, it is not indicated in cases of scrotal enlargement or a "droopy" scrotum.

Scrotoplasty is a surgery performed on the scrotum to restore the organ's normal anatomy. The scrotal incision is posterior, i.e. it leaves no visible scar and the results are very satisfactory.